Clairvoyance means clear seeing, or intuitively seeing images. These can be in the form of pictures in your mind, or it can be seeing energies in the real world, like seeing other people's energy systems. This one can really be a stretch for a lot of people. I get it - the idea of seeing imaginary energies swirling around people sounds pretty far-fetched. I used to feel the exact same way.
I remember the first time I saw even a tiny glimpse of energy around someone else, I freaked. I just learned from such a young age that seeing anything that other people can't see means I am in the midst of a visual hallucination. So it's very normal to freak out and disbelieve.
If you can put aside your skepticism for a moment, I invite you to consider the idea of clairvoyance through a new lens. Perhaps we as human beings have the innate capacity to perceive all types of energy, but this capacity gets shut down at an early age. With openness, intention, and a little persistence, we can relearn how to translate this energy into a visual interpretation.
Honestly, seeing energy still freaks me out a little bit. But seeing visual interpretations of my clients' energy fields has been extremely helpful. If someone has a bunch of messy dense energy in one of their knees, it keys me in to the fact that perhaps there is a knee issue. Or if I can see a hardened wall of energy in front of someone's heart, I'm alerted to the challenges they may have with connecting and intimacy.
Your guides help out quite a bit with translating the energy into impressions that form in your mind's eye. I could look at a person and see one thing, while another intuitive practitioner could look at the same person and see something different. We all have individualized ways of interpreting the world around us. Clairvoyance rachets up these interpretations with increased clarity and precision, while we continue to look through our unique personalized lens.
Let's play a little thought experiment for a moment. Imagine, if you would, that you were a spirit. You liked to travel around in your spirit form, get into adventures, maybe play with other spirits. One day, you decided it might be fun and helpful to try to communicate with a human being. You realized from your spirit vantage point that you could see things about this person's life that the person may be oblivious to.
In this scenario, you would be deciding to become a spirt guide. Fun! Now that you've made this decision, how are you going to communicate to your human? Perhaps you could arrange seemingly chance encounters that would give them new insight into their own life. Maybe you could try to send them messages through songs on the radio, or influence the same type of animal with a certain symbolic meaning to keep crossing their path.
Wouldn't it be so much easier though, if your human knew how to energetically receive messages? Whether or not we learn and develop our intuitive abilities, we all seem to have a group of devoted spirit guides helping us out. But imagine how much more insight into your own life you could glean if you learned how to communicate with them directly.
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