Intuitive Development Course

I am currently in the process of creating an 8 week intuitive development course, which will include:
  • Meetings on Zoom once a week for training in intuitive development
  • Weekly discounted rate for my Tuesday night group healing sessions to supplement the training
  • Weekly office hours on Zoom for questions
  • What you can expect to learn:
    • What are spirit guides and how to best work with them
    • What are gut feelings and how to enhance and learn to trust these aspects of your inner knowing
    • What are the main intuitive modalities: clairsentience, clairaudience, clairvoyance, and inner knowing
    • Learn in which of the clair abilities you are most naturally gifted and begin to develop this ability
    •  How to protect yourself intuitively and keep your intuitive workspace safe and clear
Stay tuned for more updates!