Gatekeepers, Guards, Bouncers
Wouldn't it be nice to have a bodyguard assigned to you at birth, someone who keeps bad guys away and protects you from any unwanted advances? Well it turns out, you do! We all get one gatekeeper assigned to us at birth, and often we attract another if we are doing a lot of energy or mediumship work. A gatekeeper is a nonphysical being who vibrates at a different frequency from the physical plane.
Our gatekeepers have only one job to do - protect us from nonphysical beings with whom we do not wish to interact. There are many planes of existence and the human mind is usually focused on the physical plane. I guess somebody up there thought it would be a good idea to protect us from potential threats outside of our everyday awareness. Much obliged. My gatekeepers have gotten me out of many a scrape, and I trust them completely. I could not work as an energy work practitioner without their constant vigilance and dedication.
When you start to work with and connect to other realms and dimensions, you naturally develop a boundary between your energies and other energies or beings. This boundary is a decision you make to have your own space - it's like having an apartment that no one else gets to enter without your permission. When you do decide to interact with another being or energy, you can let them in the front door. Your gatekeeper is your personal bouncer guarding the door to your space. Like actual bouncers, they tend to be rugged and tough, ready for a fight if one breaks out.
If you work in the intuitive fields, you may be aware of creating energetic workspaces which are specialized containers to facilitate mediumship or energy healing. These workspaces will have a door, which your gatekeepers will dutifully guard from unwanted intruders. Gatekeepers read your intentions and respond accordingly. This is where things can get a little dicey.
We wonderful humans are multifaceted beings, broadcasting our intent to the universe on multiple levels. This experience can be quite wonderful when we are aligned in mind, body, and spirit and broadcast one powerful message. But we humans like to play tug of war with ourselves - can you think of a time when your mind wanted one thing and your body wanted something completely different?
I remember once when I wanted to connect with a deceased relative, but not enough time had elapsed since their passing to create a stable connection. My mind sought to make contact, but fortunately my soul had the wisdom to step in and say, "Not yet." Gatekeepers will pick up all the messages we are broadcasting and respond according to the universal order of operations: soul, mind, body. My gatekeepers sensed the presence of my departed uncle at the door to my energetic space, but prioritized my soul's wish to not allow him in the door over my mind's desire to connect with him.
I am so grateful to my gatekeepers for keeping me safe - they work around the clock, 24/7, even when I'm fast asleep. If you are having trouble keeping a clear space, you may be sending your gatekeepers mixed messages, without even realizing it. You may need to find the part of you who is giving the green light to your gatekeepers to let in nasty beings or energetic influences. You could also have cracks in your energetic boundary or workspace. Either way, you may want to consider doing some vibrational cleanup.
Figuring out how to have clear, consistent communication with your gatekeepers can take practice. With time and patience, anyone can learn this skill and enjoy connecting intuitively or working energetically free from bothersome interference.
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