Who are you talking to?

         The first and most important question to address when reaching out intuitively is who are you talking to?  A guide? Someone who passed that you know? An expert in what you are looking to find out?  You wouldn't ask somebody walking down the street for expert info on your life. Be specific.  There are many types of beings with whom you can communicate - angels, spirit guides, ascended masters, gatekeepers, Source, dwellers of the astral plane, ghosts, and deceased loved ones, to name a few.  
         It can be easy to make the mistake of thinking that when you reach out to communicate with another realm of existence everyone will be all nicey nice.  This sentiment is comforting, but profoundly naive.  Just like on Earth, in other realms there are many types of beings with myriad motivations.  Some are very high vibrational and love to help and serve.  Others are still learning and can be more ego driven.
         The good news is that you always get to choose with whom you will be communicating.  That's why being clear with your intentions is so helpful - if you just open yourself up and say, "Hey, is there anyone nearby who is interested in connecting?" you're opening the door to attracting low vibrational beings as well as high vibrational ones.  Would you walk to the middle of a busy street corner in a major city and hold up a sign that says, "I'm here to talk if anyone is free"?  If you did that, you might connect with a few kind people, but you also may meet some weirdos and creeps.
         When you're starting out with communicating with other realms of being, I recommend being super clear with your intentions and specifying precisely who it is that you wish to meet.  You could try any of these on for size: I'm seeking only to interact with angels, I'm seeking only to interact with ascended masters, I'm seeking only to interact with high vibrational loving beings.  This way, you will attract loving, helpful, kind beings who enjoy communicating with humans.  
         Wording is everything when it comes to creating intentions to communicate with other realms.  Let me give you an example: suppose I were to say, "Ok, today I'm interested in meeting and talking with some powerful beings.  Universe, make that happen."  Notice how I didn't specify that the beings needed to be aligned with love.  In this scenario, I would be leaving the door open to attract a powerful being who was aligned with greed, lust, or even evil.  No bueno.
         Remember, you're the creator of your reality.  You're the big boss.  You choose what you experience.  And your team of helper beings and guides will allow you to do whatever you please.  It can be easy to believe that your spirit guides or your guardian angel will automatically stop you from getting into hot water as you explore intuitively.  They will certainly guide you and try to steer you towards the least arduous path, but they will not step in and stop you from creating your reality.
         With that being said, most people seem to be given a sort of grace period when they're intuitive newbies - their guides protect them from attracting the big nasties and meanies and generally put up some guardrails so they can play safely and try things out without getting hurt.  This grace period can last anywhere from a few weeks to a few months, depending on how fast the person is moving in their intuitive development.  
         There's a surefire way to always keep yourself safe and in swimmable waters - ask Source to direct all of your intuitive experiencing and development.  Ask this daily and you will receive an incredibly powerful burst of wind at your back to help guide you on all of your intuitive adventures.  I'm 10 years into my intuitive journey, and I still make this request of Source daily.  Stay safe, have fun, and remember to always ask - who am I talking to?

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