Communicator Spirit Guides

         Developing intuition is a process, and does not happen overnight.  As you begin to signal your intent to the universe to access and utilize your natural intuitive abilities, a few different things will happen.  First, your energy patterns will start to shift slightly - there will be a softening and an opening that occurs in your third eye and crown chakras.  These two energy centers need to be extra sensitive for intuitive information to easily flow.  Next, you will attract a few new spirit guides.   Spirit guides are nonphysical beings dedicated to helping you out with your life.  You'll continue to be helped by your previous spirit guides - they've done good work for you up to this point and can continue to help you with nonintuitive related activities. 
         One of these fantastic new guides steps into their role as your intuitive communicator.  This guide will help you with energy wave translation.  All energy waves contain information - radio waves are a prime example.  Radio stations broadcast radio waves that contain certain songs.  Your radio then picks up these waves, reads the information contained within them, and translates that information into music.  Your wonderful communicator gets to know your language patterns and then translates energy that you perceive intuitively into common phrases you can easily understand.
         This translation can involve symbols, pictures, words, feelings, and even smells or tastes.  You may receive a picture of a house, which could symbolize different things depending on what house means to you.  For some a picture of a house could mean they are missing home, and may benefit from reconnecting with their roots.  For others, a house could mean it's time to move out of their parents' basement and find a place of their own.  Over time, you can develop a special language that just you and your communicator share, like a secret code between best friends. 
         Your communicator is with you all the time, just like your gatekeepers.  We never know when the need will arise to translate energetic messages.  Your wonderfully skilled communicator attunes to your energies and is very sensitive to your moods.  Certain expressions may be triggering in certain moods and amusing in others.  Your communicator navigates all of this terrain with the grace of a ballet dancer, minus the tutu.  Humans can be quite prickly so our communicators have heightened awareness to our states of mind and compassion for the challenge that it is to live as a human.
         Intuition separates out into four general categories: clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and inner knowing.  Clair means clear, so these translate to clear seeing, clear hearing, and clear feeling.  Your communicator assists with all of the clairs, as these modalities work by you receiving energy from the outside world and your communicator translating this energy in meaningful ways for you to understand. 
         Inner knowing operates differently - it utilizes our direct connection to Source to give us intuitive information.  Inner knowing bypasses any intermediaries - this makes it particularly useful for intuitive scanning.  Gut feelings are usually the result of inner knowing at work.  Inner knowing is the most easily accessible form of intuition and used by many people who don't work in intuitively oriented fields.  For example, I've heard Lori Greiner from Shark Tank talk about trusting her gut when choosing entrepreneurs to invest in.  
         Effectively and accurately utilizing intuition to support your life takes discernment.  Fear will sometimes masquerade as intuition.  Sometimes what you might initially think is a gut feeling telling you not to do something is actually a sensation of fear manifesting in your gut because you are scared to try the new thing.  How do you know what's fear and what's true intuition?  Simply by practicing discernment.  

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