Energetic Workspaces
I've been working as an Energy Work Practitioner for about 10 years now, helping clients assess and balance their energies to relieve physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual symptoms. I see, hear, feel, sense, and know intuitively, which has given me access to many dimensions and realms of experience. I'm starting this blog to share what I've learned over the years for anyone interested in the metaphysical and paranormal.
When doing any kind of energy or intuitive work, it’s a good idea to create a workspace for yourself and your client before you start. Energy is very responsive to our thoughts and feelings, so to create an energetic workspace you can focus your thoughts on this intention while feeling a strong positive feeling, such as gratitude. Visualizing helps enormously, especially when you are just starting out.
Try focusing or visualizing for about 45 seconds (it does not have to be exact) to make sure you energize your workspace completely. You're sending a strong message to the universe of your intent: to create a safe and effective space to do your metaphysical or paranormal work. Although it may sound esoteric, an energetic workspace is simply an energy field that acts as a container. The size of this field or container depends on the goal of your session. Are you looking to just do some work for yourself, or are you interested in helping another, or even a group? I regularly do self, individual, and group sessions, so I work with containers of varying sizes depending on my needs.
One way to create this container is to imagine a big egg that extends about a yard beneath your feet and a yard above your head. The walls of the egg are made of energy instead of shell, creating a complete seal around you. Now, extend the egg out more from you, like blowing up a balloon. Make the egg big enough to fully encapsulate you and another person, with room to spare.
You have just created a workable energetic container. Go you! During energy work sessions, you may be working with energies or beings from other dimensions. The first step to being able to do this safely and effectively is learning how to create a container that can block out any unbeneficial energies or low vibrational beings. It’s like how a talk therapist has a contained office space that keeps everyone out except for themselves and their clients.
Now that you are on a roll, let’s upgrade your energetic container a wee bit. Sometimes during energy work or mediumship sessions, you may want to call on the soul of a deceased loved one, a spirit guide, or an angel to bring healing to your client. With the egg-shaped container that you have now, these dear beings have no point of entry. They may appreciate a door.
It can be fun to create your door - remember, this is your world, you're the big boss here. How would you like your door to look? It can be any way you choose. I've learned from experience that creating a door on the bottom of the egg may not be such a good idea - your brain and preconceived notions come into play when building energetically, and who hasn’t seen a scary movie or two where the bad guy sneaks in through a trap door on the floor? In fact, I recommend not using trapdoors for your door at all - I like to invoke imagery that suggests feelings of safety and security, like a big steel door, or even a bank vault door. To create your door, you can use the same process of visualizing, or focusing thoughts with positive feelings on your intended goal for 45ish seconds. Great, now that we have a door, we need someone to guard it - our own personal bouncer.
Learning how to create safe, secure, and effective energetic workspaces is key to creating helpful, powerful energy work sessions. The more you practice it, the better and faster you will get at doing it. It took me many years to perfect this skill, but now I use it many times every day, and I could not do my work without it. Happy creating!
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