What are spirit guides?

         What exactly are spirit guides?  I refer to this term a lot in my writings, and I thought it was time to give these wonderful beings their own blog entry.  Spirit guides are spirits, energies emanating from Source, individuations of the whole residing in one of the nonphysical planes of existence.  
         These beautiful beings have hopes, dreams, and desires just like humans do.  They love and play and create with other beings who share a similar vibration.  Spirit guides are spirit beings who, for one reason or another, feel drawn towards shepherding humans.
         These particular types of spirits operate outside of the construct of time.  This is a very odd concept for the human mind to grasp, since we live within and feel constrained by time the majority of our lives.  To humans it feels like time is passing, but in reality we are moving through time, and how we move through it determines how we experience our lives.  
         We enter time, or space/time as it's called in physics, when we incarnate in physical bodies.  Physicality binds us to time in a new way, anchoring us in density which drastically shifts our perspective.  Spirits who exist outside of time, like spirit guides, are able to see past, present, and future possibilities very easily; this skill tends to elude humans as we are so focused on our particular point of passage through time.
         Their more expanded relationship to time affords spirit guides a very helpful vantage point in assisting human beings.  They can see very clearly what a decision will likely lead to, while humans are often blind to the consequences of potential choices.  Spirit guides act in an advisory capacity, sensing the desire of their human and forecasting future pitfalls that could likely appear.
         Spirit guides are able to communicate with the nonphysical part of you - your soul.  They meet in committee with your soul often, talking through different paths and landing on an ideal way forward.  If you decide to learn one or more of the intuitive modalities - inner knowing, clairsentience, clairaudience, clairvoyance - you can communicate with your spirit guides directly.
         Every human being seems to attract a group of spirit guides who resonate with the person's journey.  Most people seem to have a core group of guides who stays with them from birth until death, and then specialist guides who come in at different points to help with specific goals.  
         I am so incredibly grateful for my spirit guides - they have helped me through thick and thin and never left my side, sticking by me even through the gnarliest situations.  For the first 26 years of my life I had no direct communication with them on the level of my conscious awareness.  As I started to consciously develop my intuition, I learned how to perceive their messages and integrate their wisdom directly into my decision-making process. 

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