What is Source?

         What is Source?  Source is the Essence from which everything springs forth.  It is the place of oneness inside every living being.  It is God.  Source creates, and then creates more, in a never-ending cycle of birth, death, and rebirth.  Source created the universe, the laws of physics, and all of the different dimensions of existence.
         Source never judges, always accepts, forever embraces.  Source is the ultimate love.  All of the beautiful words originate as concepts, ideas held within the universal heart.  Wisdom, kindness, compassion, courage - Source holds the blueprint for these beautiful words before they ever find expression.
         You can call on Source anytime for help.  I call on Source constantly for guidance.  But you never have to, you are never forced to.  It's always up to you.  Source will always answer with love.  Resources will be sent your way.  Inspiration will flow.  Hope will spring anew.   
        I like to think of Source as the most loving mother and father imaginable.  If you need healing, Source Mother will always be there with a hug and a loving word of comfort.  If you need guidance, Source Father will always be there to dispense helpful advice.  
         My Source Parents have helped me out of some of the most painful suffering and desperate situations.  I try to trust Source completely.  Sometimes it can feel like Source is not answering when we call out for help.  That's ok.  I've learned to trust that help always comes even if I can't see it or perceive it.  
         One of the ways I experience Source helping me the most is with my alignment.  We human beings balance many energy systems, thoughts, desires, fears, pressures, confusions, all blended together into dense physicality.  It can be very easy to fall out of alignment with our highest and best good.  
         Sometimes we just need the right nudge to realign.  This Source will easily provide, if we ask.  In my experience, there is only one rule that governs our relationship with Source - ask, and we shall receive.  This partnership defines the parameters of human existence and guarantees our free will.  
         If you feel the heart call, consider nurturing your relationship with Source.  There is nothing, and I mean nothing, with which Source will not happily help.  It takes time to build trust in anyone, let alone someone as big and almighty as Source.  But the more you ask Source directly, the more you'll begin to experience yourself receiving Source's love.  

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