Who to call on for help
Anytime you're exploring new and unfamiliar territory there is a risk of stepping into a quagmire that can bog you down for a bit. Before you embark on a new adventure it's good to plan out what to do in case you find yourself in a sticky situation and need help. The same holds true as you begin to explore the wonderful world of intuition.
The nice thing about exploring nonphysical realms of being is that help is always available. It doesn't matter the time of day or night, weekday or weekend, or even on holidays - help is always, always just a call away. Nonphysical beings are much more connected to the fabric of universal energy, meaning they can easily sense when another being is requesting their presence.
If you need help for any reason during your intuitive adventures, knowing precisely who to call on in any type of situation that can arise will go a long way towards keeping you safe. In this blog entry I will lay out a safety map for you, one you can reference at any time, if you find yourself in deep water and needing an assist to get you back on firm ground.
The Angel of Protection
The Angel of Protection is a group of very high vibrational beings who devote themselves to embodying the energy and essence of the word 'protection'. This angel conglomerate is ENORMOUS, containing countless loving angels dedicated to assisting you in your time of need. Call on the Angel of Protection when you are concerned for your safety in any way and they will come immediately and begin to work on your behalf.
The true key to creating safe experiences in the realm of intuitive exploration lies in nurturing your relationship to yourself. Do you feel like you deserve to be kept safe and allowed to roam free and have fun? This question is of the utmost importance and the answer can be elusive. We may like to think consciously that we deserve safety and protection, but our subconscious may sabotage this idea if we have not done the inner healing work. If we have not resolved trauma around times in our lives when we were not kept safe or protected, we may recreate this feeling of vulnerability and project it onto future experiences.
Life will always endeavor to procure the exact conditions and experiences that will help point to remaining unresolved subconscious issues. Take stock of your current life for a moment - do you often find yourself in situations where you feel in danger and unprotected? If so, this is a clear sign you have some more work to do around your fundamental identity and relationship to yourself around safety. You may want to do some inner work first before you start your intuitive adventures.
Most, if not all, human beings have at least some issues with occasionally not feeling safe or protected, so you certainly do not need to be a fully healed enlightened being before you start learning to utilize your intuition to help you create a better life. Just be aware that triggers around safety and protection you still experience in the physical world will also show up in your experiences in the nonphysical world. This blog entry offers a guide on what to do when that happens.
Archangel Michael
Archangel Michael loves a good fight and will never back down against any opponent. This particular Archangel embodies a very strong and tough vibration which naturally lends itself to protection. If you encounter negative energies or beings who try to mess with you in any way, call on Archangel Michael for help extricating you from the situation. Either he will come immediately, or he will send another capable being on his behalf to defend you and fight off the intruders.
Babaji lived as a human long ago, until he completed his soul's journey as a physical being on Earth, attained enlightened, and ascended to a higher realm of being. Before his ascension, he gained an enormous amount of experience repelling negative energies and beings. This master can face any foe and emerge victorious. I recommend calling on Babaji if you are feeling particularly overwhelmed and out of your depth - he can and will dispel even large groups of interfering energies.
The Blessed Angel Collective
The Blessed Angel Collective is a group of angels I personally called together who specialize in bringing light to those trapped in darkness. These angels were at one time trapped by negativity themselves before they were freed, so have enormous compassion for all those who feel caught in a similar snare. I have been working with this group of angels for years to free myriad beings who were trapped and entangled in the incredibly dense and heavy energies surrounding Earth and humanity.
I have enormous faith and trust in the Blessed Angel Collective - they have helped me out of numerous scrapes over the years. These are seasoned warriors of light who will gladly come to your aid. Just say out loud, "I call on the Blessed Angel Collective and ask for your help" and you will receive their protection and support.
Whenever you call on any nonphysical beings for assistance, it helps to speak out loud - when you speak you add energy and power to your intention. You can also call on them in your mind silently - this will still work and sometimes may feel like the only option if you are in any kind of social situation.
Your Guardian Angel
Your Guardian Angel is a very special being who never, ever leaves your side. This angel always watches over you without judgment and loves you unconditionally. Your Guardian Angel is your direct connection to Home, the vibrational state of oneness and pure love. If you need protection, you can call on your Guardian Angel for assistance - this being is your last line of defense against energetic interference. While helpful in a pinch, this being is not suited for repelling truly persistent intrusive energies, so in these circumstances I recommend calling on The Blessed Angel Collective, Babaji, Archangel Michael, or The Angel of Protection.
As you can see, you have numerous options to beef up your intuitive protection at your disposal. No one ever need go unprotected, unassisted, or unprepared in their intuitive explorations. I had to learn a lot of this stuff the hard way through trial and error - it is my sincere hope that you can benefit from my experience and avoid having to grope your way through unfamiliar terrain as I so often did.
If all else fails and you still feel scared and alone, please book a session with me and together we can investigate why you are creating such an unpleasant experience and find a way to extricate you from the prison of your current limited perspective.
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