How to best work with your spirit guides
Your spirit guides are like very good friends who know you extremely well, know your strengths and weaknesses, know your tendencies to make mistakes, know your hopes and dreams and love you without judgment. Imagine that your friends could look into the future and see the different pitfalls that certain decisions could bring. Imagine that they could also arrange chance encounters, bring helpful resources into your awareness, and know any time you are becoming energetically imbalanced and losing your way. Your spirit guides can do all of these things and more.
I have to say that the promise of getting advice from nonphysical beings who could traverse time differently, literally see into my future, and bring back messages and helpful guidance sold me on developing my intuition. Although parts of me held onto disbelief and doubt, even the remote possibility that I could one day achieve such a miraculous connection drove me forward into pursuing the necessary intuitive skills.
It may have been the best decision I ever made, as I now consult with my spirts guides daily and they have helped me avoid a huge amount of suffering and made my life considerably easier with more harmonious flow. Ok, let's now dig into the nitty-gritty of how to best work with your spirit guides.
Be specific in your goals
Your sprit guides endeavor to help you by energetically reading your goals. We all emit frequencies that reflect our vibrational state. Within these frequencies are the energetic signatures of our various hopes and dreams. Spirit guides read these energy signatures to gauge our current goals so they can form a plan of action to help us achieve the life we desire.
Our guides have the advantage of being able to see future timelines to learn more about possible ways to achieve our goals. Believe it or not, scanning possible timelines takes quite a bit of effort. My guides have assured me that they are happy to do it and it never feels like work - they remind me that when you love someone, helping out feels gratifying and fulfilling. However, we can make it much easier on our guides by picking specific goals and sticking with them. When we change our minds, this creates new possible timelines for our guides to research.
It's ok to change your mind, I've done so myself many times - so don't feel bad if you do. Sometimes we truly don't know what we want until we experience first what we don't want. Knowing your deepest desires, those that emanate directly from your soul, takes practice. But with a little time, patience, practice, and an open mind, you can learn how to listen to your soul and speed up your process of aligning with your heart's desire and then creating that.
Ask for signs
Before you learn how to directly communicate with your spirit guides, you can ask them to send you signs to validate that you are walking down a good path or signal that maybe it's time to change direction. You can come up with a particular sign, like show me a lot of red in my environment if I'm walking towards the proverbial cliff, or show me a lot of green if I'm on a good track. I have an agreement with my spirit guides that if I'm about to do something really dumb, they'll make me stub my toe or cause some other minor yet intense in the moment injury to get my attention.
You can also let them choose the sign and trust that they'll pick something meaningful to you that will effectively communicate their message. Spirit guides can work through songs on the radio, chance encounters with a friend, having a book fall open to a specific page, or even through bumper stickers. If you allow it and intend it, all of the universe is open to being used as a communication device. So ask your spirit guides for signs, and you will receive them.
Learn at least one intuitive communication ability
There are 4 main intuitive communication abilities available to human beings: clairsentience, clairaudience, clairvoyance, and inner knowing. The 3 clair abilities allow you to communicate directly with your spirit guides. Spirit guides don't speak English or any other language we would recognize on Earth, so there is translation process that happens mediated by a very special spirit guide: the communicator spirit guide. Clair abilities function by helping you target, lock onto, receive, and process specific information contained within energy fields. As we now know from radio and cellphone technology, energy waves contain information which can be transmitted over great distances virtually instantaneously. The clair abilities allow you to become a human radio station, and you can tune into your spirit guides' broadcasting frequency at any time.
Learn spirit guides' strengths and weaknesses
When I first learned that spirit guides struggled in certain arenas, I resisted the idea quite strongly. I preferred to think of my spirit guides as infallible, omniscient, wise beyond understanding, and essentially faultless. Silly, I know. But comforting - this perspective of spirit guides as perfect beings felt like a warm blanket draped around me. It took me years to release this view point and accept the truth: spirit guides are loving and dedicated beings, but they have their strengths and weaknesses, just like humans do.
Spirit guides do not enter and anchor themselves within a relatively fixed perspective in time. When I refer to time here, I am talking about the construct of time, or really spacetime as it's known in physics. When we incarnate we enter and anchor ourselves within spacetime in a specific way that locks our perspective into the present moment. Spirit guides remain in spirit form and thus can view spacetime from a higher vantage point and a wider angle. It's like they are able to look at your life through a wide-angle lens and see all your past as well as future possibilities and probabilities based on decisions you could make.
Your spirit guides enjoy a bird's-eye view of your life - this bird's-eye perspective comes with benefits and drawbacks. As they can easily see and evaluate future possibilities and probabilities, spirit guides shine in helping you make big, life-changing decisions. On the flip side, they do not excel when it comes to timing. As an example, your spirit guides may know that if you quit your job and start the business of your dreams, you will thrive and love life in a new way. What they have more difficulty seeing is that quitting tomorrow may cause a huge disruption in your family life, while quitting in 3 weeks may minimize the disruption and be the ideal time to leave your job.
Spirit guides do not excel at seeing the perfect timing when it comes to smaller units of time. They have trouble in particular seeing the effects of decisions from between one day to 4 weeks after the decision is made. From their higher vantage point, they can usually pretty clearly assess the impact of the decision more than a month removed, including years or even decades into the future.
I know that may sound surprising, because for humans one month, or even a few weeks, can seem like a long time. Fortunately, we have another avenue with which to get information about the best timing when it comes to our decision-making process: inner knowing. Inner knowing, often revealed through gut feelings, allows us to sense and know the exact right timing for any decision we may be considering. As you can see, the value of developing one or more clair abilities in tandem with inner knowing is enormous; these abilities work in conjunction with one another to help you create your best life.
Vibrate strongly
I know I've thrown a lot at you in this blog entry, but there is one more aspect I'd like to mention about learning how to best work with your spirit guides. So if you'll indulge me, I would like to share the importance of vibrating strongly to creating a successful partnership with your guides. In this context, vibrating strongly means setting powerful intentions. When you have a strong desire and feel passion coursing through your veins, you are sending a super powerful message to the universe to bring you that experience.
Feeling passion creates a very powerful state of being; so does feeling gratitude. Any strong positive emotion can move your energy systems into a powerful vibratory state. When you cultivate these states intentionally, not only are you sending powerful messages to the universe, you are also creating powerful energy waves that your spirit guides can ride in their endeavors to help you. It's like having a strong wind at their backs that helps speed up and deepen the assistance they can provide. When your desire or positive feeling is low, your spirit guides need more effort to get done the same amount of work.
You can build a wonderful and effective relationships with your spirit guides by being specific in your goals, asking for signs, learning at least one intuitive communication ability, remembering spirit guides' strengths and weaknesses, and vibrating strongly. Spirit guides are incredibly talented helpers who will always assist you no matter your level of awareness. By becoming more conscious and developing your intuition, you can upgrade your relationship with your guides and maximize their effectiveness in helping you create a beautiful life.
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